Shipping and return policies for Weird World

Return Policy
We will replace any factory-defective item purchased from our site with a fresh copy of that title.

Please email us and tell us the title and format of the defective item, what's wrong with it, and when you bought it. Once the return has been approved by email, send it back to the contact address; we'll confirm that the item sent back is defective and then send you a replacement copy.

If you mail the title back to us, please be sure to pack it well; we can't be responsible for replacing items damaged by USPS.

We are unable to grant cash refunds; if we are out of stock on the defective item's replacement copy, you can choose to be refunded the amount on your card or you can choose to wait for new stock to arrive on the original defective item.
Contact Address (for approved returns)

Domino Records
20 Jay Street, Suite 626
Brooklyn, NY 11201